Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Glass or two Of Wine

802 ' Believe it or not, a glass of wine on the day of the contest may actually improve your appearance. Low doses of alcohol appear to stimulate the bodv to release nitric oxide, which increases vascularity. There is also some evidence to suggest that one of the compounds in red wine. resveratrol, plays a role in increasing blood flow. Don't go and get corked on contest day. but drinking one four- or five-ounce glass of wine may help you start celebrating in more ways than one!


801-  We are not going to preach to you about the dangers of anabolic steroids. Still, if you are using them in your contest preparations, stop at least two weeks from the contest date. Most anabolic steroids cause water retention and will give your physique a smooth look. We would be remiss if we didn't remind you that steroids have very serious side effects that will assuredly cause health problems.


800 . If you are using any medications, check with your doctor to see which, if any. cause water retention. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs like cortisone are famous for causing severe water retention. If need be, stop the medication or switch to a different drug.


79 9. A number of competitive bodybuilders have died from diuretic overdose. Such diuretic drugs as Lasi'x work by interfering with the body's water- conserving hormone, aldersterone. Unfortunately, they can work far too well. They can easily cause the body to give up pounds of water in a few hours. The problem is not the water loss, but rather the electrolyte concentration. As we saw in the previous tip, electrolytes control a number of life-necessary reactions, including heart contraction. Diuretics have been linked to heart attacks and seizures.


798.  As many over-the-counter compounds like caffeine and green tea will promote water loss, you may want to experiment with them. Always pay attention to any warning signals your body may produce, however. If you suddenly find yourself developing muscle cramps, immediately stop taking the diuretic. Cramps are a sign of dehydration and dectrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are the various charged particles (called ions) that regulate many of the body's chemical reactions, including muscle contraction.


797.  Another way to get rid of the smooth look is to restrict your water intake in the days leading up to a contest. Granted, you don't want to eliminate water entirely, but don't consume the traditional eight to ten glasses per day. If possible try to drink distilled water, as it has all the sodium removed.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


795. All other things being equal, the bodybuilder who sports the most ripped physique will win. One of the ways to create that ultra-ripped look is to control the water in your body. The last thing you want on contest day is that dreaded "smooth look." For some the problem is fat, but in many cases a layer of water lies between the muscles and overlying skin. One of the easiest methods to keep water levels down is by eliminating salt from your diet. Salt promotes water retention in the body (the primary reason salt tablets are found in survival kits). One gram of salt holds 50 grams of water. Even by eliminating all visible salt from your diet you'll still be taking in more than you need. As soon as you start your pre-contest diet, eliminate all canned products that contain salt and any preserved deli meat. You shouldn't be eating any processed foods at this point anyway (not that you ever should).


795. The stored form of sugar found in muscles is glycogen. Among its many properties is its ability to hold four times its weight in water. Bodybuilders take advantage of this by depleting as much glycogen from their bodies as they can three to five days before the contest, and then "loading" in as much carbohydrate as possible 24 to 48 hours before the contest to replenish glycogen levels. Previously flat muscles are now bursting with water, making the skin appear paper thin and enhancing vascularity. If you decide to load/deplete, keep accurate notes. Few bodybuilders get it dead-on the first time they do it. Most look their best the day before or the day after the contest. But you've kept a journal, right? Next time you compete, simply start your toading/depleting a day earlier or later to suit your experience.


794.  With one glass of orange juice containing the same amount of carbohydrate and sugars as numerous oranges, it's easy to see how drinking fruit juices can interfere with your contest preparation. Not only that, but juice is made up of simple sugars, with no fiber to slow down the sugar rush. During the precontest season, limit your fruit consumption drastically.As the final month of contest preparation arrives, no fruit juices or sodas should be consumed.


7 9 3. Although you should be keeping fats and simple sugars to a minimum year-round, this is an absolute necessity when preparing for a contest. One gram of fat contains 9 calories - over twice that of protein or carbohydrate (4 grams each). It doesn't take much fat to add an extra 500 to 1000 calories to your daily diet. Likewise, simple sugars are readily stored as fat (they also increase insulin levels, which in turn promote fat storage).