Sunday, January 13, 2019


795. All other things being equal, the bodybuilder who sports the most ripped physique will win. One of the ways to create that ultra-ripped look is to control the water in your body. The last thing you want on contest day is that dreaded "smooth look." For some the problem is fat, but in many cases a layer of water lies between the muscles and overlying skin. One of the easiest methods to keep water levels down is by eliminating salt from your diet. Salt promotes water retention in the body (the primary reason salt tablets are found in survival kits). One gram of salt holds 50 grams of water. Even by eliminating all visible salt from your diet you'll still be taking in more than you need. As soon as you start your pre-contest diet, eliminate all canned products that contain salt and any preserved deli meat. You shouldn't be eating any processed foods at this point anyway (not that you ever should).

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